Sally Matterson - Personal Trainer and Fitness Model Competitor deals, discounts and reviews

  • Online six-week extreme shredder fitness package with training videos, simple clean & lean ebook,

    Training guide and more for $29 (valued at $89. 95) lifelong access means no excuses! check out the 'fine print' tab for more information

    $89 67% off $29
    Deal provided by Livingsocial
  • Online six-week extreme shredder fitness program for $29 - includes recipe & training guides,

    Lifetime access and more (value $89. 95) join over one million fans onfacebook connect on instagram for fitspiration receive lifetimeaccess and keep fit for life check out the 'fine print' tab for more information

    $90 68% off $29
    Deal provided by Livingsocial