Oxbridge Academy deals, discounts and reviews

  • Expert Tutoring for All Grades

    Up to Six Weeks of Expert Tutoring for All Grades from $59 - Two Locations!

    $133 56% off $59
    Deal provided by Livingsocial
  • From $29 for Four-Hour Academic Tuition in a Range of Classes at Oxbridge Academy, Two Locations (From $64 Value)

    Group tuition classes specialising in a wide range of subjects Choose multiple classes to make four hours worth of tuition Primary School classes cater to Preschool-Year Six in areas like creative writing, maths and general ability skills High School classes are designed to improve...

    $64 55% off $29
    Deal provided by Stardeals
  • From $39 for Five Tutoring Sessions in a Range of Classes at Oxbridge Academy, Two Locations (From $80 Value)

    Group tuition classes specialising in a wide range of subjects Choose multiple classes for five sessions of tuition Primary School classes cater to Preschool-Year Six in areas like creative writing, maths and general ability skills High School classes are designed to improve learning in...

    $80 51% off $39
    Deal provided by Stardeals
  • Tuition for Primary School ($189), High School ($329) or HSC Students ($449) with Oxbridge Academy (Up to $900 Value)

    Pre-school and kindergarten topics include learning to read and write, and developing early numeracy skills Kindergarten courses progress through to Year 6 subjects OC classes are suited to high school students and include essay writing, maths, science and advanced writing skills The HSC...

    $384 51% off $189
    Deal provided by Stardeals
  • Tutoring for All Grades - Three Locations

    Expert Tutoring for All Grades from $39 - Three Campus Locations

    $80 51% off $39
    Deal provided by Livingsocial